The third Conference of the Parties in Kyoto set the target of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions by an average of 5.3% with respect to 1990 values by 2008–2012. One of the main objections to the protocol's ratification is that compliance would pose an unbearable economic burden on the countries involved 1 . But we show here that this is not the case if costs apart from the direct costs of energy production are also considered. Costs are also incurred in rectifying damage to human health, material goods, agriculture and the environment related to greenhouse-gas emissions.
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The general structure of the optimisation problems we have solved is as follows:
Min f(C(x)/q)
xmin £ x £ xmax
where f(C) is a suitable function of the costs to be considered in the specific problem (BAU, MSC, BAU+Kyoto), x is the vector of decision variables (namely, TWh/yr contributed by each production technology to satisfying the electricity demand), q is the vector of parameters (such as different costs per kWh for the different technologies) defining the objective function f, while xmin £ x £ xmax and 0 £ g(x) £ a are the constraints. More precisely, the first set of bounds "xmin £ x £ xmax" defines the technological constraints for the decision variables with xmax being the maximum feasible quotas estimated for each technology as of 2010 and xmin being the minimum quotas (e.g., hydroelectric power plants that are currently operational will still be operational in 2010). The second set of bounds "0 £ g(x) £ a" defines additional constraints, which are functions of the decision variables; it always includes the mandatory constraint that the sum of the decision variables be equal to 353 TWh/yr, which is the electricity demand for Italy in 2010. This demand has been estimated from the results of many extensive studies carried out by the largest electricity producer in Italy 1 (ENEL), the Italian Oil Association (Unione Petrolifera), the government 2 , the research institution Ente Nazionale Energie Alternative (ENEA), and other researchers 3 . Also, this second set of constraints may contain ceilings to emissions to satisfy the Kyoto protocol (in the BAU+Kyoto scenarios).
The function f is built by summing up all the costs: in BAU and BAU+Kyoto it includes only the discounted (10%) and annualised investment costs, the cost of fuel and the operating costs, while in MSC it comprises the external costs too. A more complete account of the methodology is given by De Paoli and Lorenzoni 4 . Information on the constraints, the industrial and local external costs, and the emissions is reported in Table 1.
As for external costs, we have adopted the definition of the ExternE project. Global External costs are those due to GHG. As they are affected by a great level of uncertainty, ExternE has decided to account separately for global external costs and "non-global" external costs, which are referred to as "local". So, "local" external costs are all those due to causes different from Global Climate Change. As a consequence, local external costs do not necessarily have to be very localized geographically, even though they mostly reflect damages occurring within Italy. In fact, the Ecosense software package used in ExternE implements both a small scale air pollution model (ISC) and a regional air quality model (the Harwell Trajectory Model) to compute diffusion of pollutants at the European level. In Table 1 we report, for each technology, the average local external cost per unit of energy produced and its range of variation as estimated from the comprehensive work by De Paoli and Lorenzoni 4 .
To generate the box and whiskers plots shown in Figure 1 of the main text we have used a Monte-Carlo approach. In fact, to account for uncertainty in the cost estimates, we have fitted beta distributions to data on industrial and local external costs. Then, we have drawn industrial and local external costs at random from the beta distributions and solved the corresponding optimisation problems (via Linear Programming) 1000 times, while keeping the global external cost set to 30 Euros per tonne of CO2. The corresponding shares of each kind of power-production technology are shown in Table 2. It is interesting to note that in general the shares are much less sensitive to changes in the cost estimates than the corresponding values of the objective function f. The largest variations are for the use of gas and oil in the BAU scenario. To test for the significance of differences in the costs shown in Figure 1 of the main text we have used a randomisation test. All the pairwise differences of industrial, external and total costs turn out to be significant (P = 95%).
As the global external costs are most uncertain we have run a sensitivity analysis for the solution of the MSC problem with the cost per tonne of CO2 ranging between 0 and 250 Euros and the other costs set to their averages. The results are reported in Figure SuppInf. If we set the global external cost to zero, MSC is equivalent to minimising the sum of the industrial costs and the local external costs alone. Even in this case the MSC scenario implies lower total costs than BAU, with a net saving of about 918 million Euros per year, as the increase of industrial costs (+548 million Euros) is more than compensated by the decrease of local external costs (-1466 million Euros). Further analysis shows that in both MSC and BAU+Kyoto scenarios net savings with respect to BAU are larger and larger (in percentage and in absolute value) for increasing anticipated damages of global climate change, as the decrease of total external costs always largely overcompensates the higher industrial costs required to shift toward cleaner technologies. As for the share of different technologies, MSC implies a strong shift towards gas even when global external costs are set to zero, as reported in Figure SuppInf. The share of renewable sources equals 16.6%, that of cogeneration 17.9% and both do not change appreciably as long as the global external cost per tonne of CO2 is lower than 30 Euros. For larger costs per tonne of CO2, the importance of cogeneration increases to 20%, the share of renewables reaches 23.6% while that of gas decreases to 59.6%.
Feasible production quotas, costs and GHG emission for each technology of electricity generation in Italy. Green: renewables, red: oil, blue: gas, black: coal.
Table 2. The resulting mix of technologies (average ± SD) for each scenario, as obtained by Monte-Carlo simulations in which we set the global external cost to 30 Euros per tonne of CO2.